Interview with Shelby G. Spires

New Beginnings in Christ

Inpatient Rehabilitation





Second Chances

From veteran news reporter, to overcoming addiction, and helping others on their path to recovery!

“I saw a guy who knew he was going to jail

for at least five years’ probation.

And because he had been through this program for a year, the judge dropped all those charges.

He went onto truck driving school, and he’s doing well today.

Now that’s the extreme. But I’ve seen that happen!”

Starting over isn’t easy. Spires spent 25 years as a news reporter, but after spending four months in New Beginnings in Christ — a men’s recovery home — he found a new calling. Everything he’s learned in life, helps him as an Intake Manager for the recovery home. He was in a military environment for most of his previous career. So, there were a lot of disciplined individuals; veterans, engineers, and those who have dealt with things that could literally kill someone. That, along with his own addiction issues, and experience in the program, gives him empathy and the ability to relate to the men who come through the program.

As an Intake Manager, Spires oversees the day to day operations. He is a part of the decision-making team that looks through applicants and does interviews. He keeps an eye on the residents and administers random drug tests, as needed, to see if they turn up dirty for 13 different types of drugs; mostly cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol, etcetera. When he was in the program, he fell back onto his education and experience in the news businesses. He wrote letters, drafted forms, and helped make NBIC more efficient. Today, he writes business correspondences, stories for their Facebook page, and teaches men how to write. He feels that’s good for them, because they can take that skill when they leave.

“That’s very rewarding, to know that you take a guy who has nothing to look forward to, and you know he’s blessed being in this program”

Shelby Spires

Ups and Downs

Once a month, they have graduations, and Spires gets to see the men from beginning to end. Some of them you don’t even recognize when they’re done. The people who apply themselves, and do what they’re supposed to, get a new beginning. Their families will start reconnecting with them, and seeing that is what Spires loves most about what he does.

Most days it’s very rewarding for Spires, but not everyone comes out with a happy ending. Whenever someone fails out of the program, he feels responsible. He knows that there’s not always something he can do. However, he always thinks about the ‘what-ifs,’ and wishes there was some way he could have helped them.


“I literally have no bills. They feed me here. I’m provided with a salary. Other than helping people, and the lack of bills, Spires also enjoys spending time with the stay dogs that come around the property.”

Shelby Spires
New Beginnings In Christ


NBIC has grown from just 5 men in 2004 to over 90 today.

It started 23 years ago, when Donald Atkinson, a fully recovered alcoholic, had a vision to help others in situations like himself. He wanted to give people a no-cost alternative compared to a traditional recovery home.  New Beginnings in Christ is a non-profit charity that doesn’t receive state or federal funding. They operate on the generosity of donors.

Advice from Shelby!

“I was impatient to get in the news business.”

“You’ll get rewarded. I mean, it’s easier to say that for me now, since I’m 52, but I look back, and it’s just be patient. That’s what I tell guys every day. That’s what I told myself when I was here, and I was rewarded for it. So may not happen today, it may happen two months from now, but you’ll get what you want.”

Shelby Spires