Elevator Pitch Transcript

Hello, my name is Skye Crump, and I am currently a student at Kennesaw State University. I love working with a piece of writing until it flows smoothly. When it comes to a work of fiction, details and accuracy, have always been important to me. Anyone in my family could tell you how many times I’ve ranted about continuity issues on a television show or pointed out grammatical mistakes in a book. eBooks, in particular, are awful about that. Growing up, I couldn’t understand why it bothered me so much more than anyone else. It wasn’t until after got my Associates Degree that I realized I could make that little quirk of mine into a career. I’ve spent the last few years in college, cultivating my skills, and working toward my goal of become a book editor. My next step is getting an internship at a publishing company, and I’m excited to see what all I’ll learn there.